I have heard it a million times “how could he not want me when I gave him everything I had to give.” I also found myself wondering this. Wondering how, in a world full of hate, someone would reject the love I wanted to give them. Who doesn’t want to be loved like that? I would do anything to have someone look at me with the same love that I had for them. But instead I feel rejection.
Then I heard it, “how could you reject me in a world full of hate when I gave my son for you?”
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
When I reject Him, He waits for me. When I run full speed towards destruction, He blocks my path. When all I could do was sin, He paid it all for me. His love is limitless, yet we reject Him.
How can we chase things of this world: sex, drugs, relationships, alcohol? He offers us everything anyone truly wants: love, peace, hope, joy, and rest. It’s right there for our taking yet we reject Him. We reject Him thinking that the things of this world will fill the emptiness we feel inside, when truly only God can fill our emptiness. He is the healer.