I get it. I understand not needing a man. I understand wanting to run your own business. I understand being someone who young girls can look up to. I am twenty-two, I didn't have a dad growing up, and I will be dammed if I need a man now. But being a "boss babe" can weigh on you. It weighs on me a lot.
I had my day planned out: walk the dogs, ride my horse, clean his stall, clean the house, take the dogs to the park, apply for writing jobs, finish an essay, workout, and go to the doctor with my friend. Per usual that is not how my day went. I woke up at seven with a migraine and decided I would sleep for another hour. Around nine my friend called to talk. While I was on the phone with her she fell down, having a bad knee already, she needed help up. I jumped in my car and headed toward her house. When I got there I helped her ice her leg, got her baby out of bed, and cleaned a little. After I was done at her house I headed to my friends work. I told her I would go to the doctor with her today. As I was driving to meet her I felt overwhelmed and stressed. I wasn't sure why until I realized something I had been denying for a long time, I am use to being the man in all of my relationships. I am use to being the person that reaches out first, that changes the tires, that holds the door, that supports people emotionally and spiritually. I do not mind doing this, what I do mind is that I have allowed it to take over so many areas of my life. I find myself reaching out to men first, I don't minding telling someone I love them first, I don't mind changing my own tire. And on the outside, these things aren't bad but they are when I forget that the man is supposed to be the leader and provider. We live in a culture that tells women they don't need to rely on a man, and that is correct but what isn't correct is when you have a man and still feel like you have to do everything on your own.
You shouldn't hold your own door or change your own tire.
Girl, you are a boss babe! But it is okay to be treated like a queen. More so, it shows strength to set expectations and not settle for less.