As the Fall 2018 semester begins I am reflecting on everything that happened during my Spring 2018, junior year of college. When the semester started things were not going in my favor. My friendship with my best friend, whom I had spent the last two years spending as much time with as I possibly could, ended. My parents had just moved back to Tennessee two months prior to the Spring semester so, for the most part, I was completely alone in Oklahoma. It also became painfully obvious that the relationship I had been chasing after for almost three years was an extremely bad relationship to be in. In summary, Spring 2018 felt like the death of me.
Knowing about these situations does not do my readers any good if they do not know how God used these things in my life. When my best friend and I parted ways all I heard were lies from the Devil: you're a failure, no one will ever think you are worth it, nobody cares about you enough to understand when you hurt. Coincidentally, my parents leaving and the other relationship falling through reinforced these thoughts. However, as the semester progressed, not only the quantity of my friend circle grew, but also the quality, thanks to the student ministry, Chi Alpha. I had the opportunity to be around people that had the same goal in life as me, put Jesus first. This alone changed everything about my life. I stopped living as if I was the only person struggling to do God's will. I stopped putting my identity in where I work. I started trusting God to lead me away from the wrong people, knowing that He would bring the right ones into my life.
Spring 2018, felt like it would be the death of me but it was the death to certain parts of my life that needed to die. God's plan does not always feel good in the middle but at the end it is always what we need to go through to get us were we need to be.